Gulfsands is an independent, public energy company, incorporated in the United Kingdom focused on growth in the Middle East and North Africa region

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Gulfsands Middle East

As a sign of its commitment to the MENA region, Gulfsands has established its Middle Eastern Business Hub in the UAE, based in the award-winning international finance centre, Abu Dhabi Global Market (“ADGM”).

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Assets Syria

Gulfsands core asset is Block 26, a world class resource in North East Syria, which is currently under Force Majeure as a result of UK sanctions.

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Gulfsands Sustainability

Gulfsands is focused on building a sustainable business model that considers the social, environmental and governance impacts of all its projects

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Unauthorised Production from Block 26

Gulfsands’ assets in Syria (Block 26) remain under force majeure. However, the fields continue to be unlawfully produced at a rate of around 16,000 BOE per day. Since the beginning of 2017, when this increased unlawful production was first reported, the amount of “lost” hydrocarbons and their potential value are as follows:

Barrels Lost

Barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) misappropriated from the Syrian people since January 2017


Potential value lost

Potential value of hydrocarbons misappropriated from the Syrian people since January 2017

US$ 3,722,792,756 *

* using an oil price of $70 per BOE

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MENA Focused News, Opinions, Interviews and Business Development.

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